Welcome to The Love Library! The Love Library is a collection of resources designed to help you to cultivate Love in your meditation practice and your life. It is built around The Path of Love Skill Tree.
May this Love Library inspire your practice of the Path of Love. May you find ever deepening love within your own heart. May you manifest endless kindness for the benefit of all beings. ❤️
This guide is designed like a choose your own adventure game. Find a page that resonates for you as interesting and exciting to you. Each page includes context and resources to support your Love practice.
We can usefully describe and understand the Spiritual Path in terms of Perception and Behavior. So we can understand the Path of Love in terms of cultivating Loving Perceptions and Behaviors:
May the love that you cultivate and the kindness that you enact benefit your whole life. May this love we practice bring you joy and happiness; may it touch each person in your life; may it ripple outwards as a gift to all beings. ❤️
The Love Library is a project of the Love Department of The Service Guild.